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What Are the Main Ingredients in Toothpaste?

WE’VE ALL HEARD of the active ingredient in toothpaste: fluoride. It supplies tooth enamel with important minerals to keep it strong and it protects against tooth decay. It’s the one ingredient toothpaste must contain to earn the American Dental Association’s Seal of Acceptance. But what else is in toothpaste?

Other Active Ingredients

1. Mild abrasive ingredients help scrub the surfaces of our teeth clean as we brush (and it doesn’t take more than a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle brushing to get the job done).

2. Foaming detergents help the toothpaste reach every tooth. (Fun fact: the foam is why actors rarely use toothpaste when they brush their teeth onscreen. It’s too messy for TV!)

Inactive Ingredients

1. Humectants keep toothpaste from drying out, so that it can come out of the tube in a smooth piece.

2. Flavoring and sweeteners make toothpaste taste good, but they can’t include actual sugar and still get the ADA Seal of Acceptance. Toothpaste for adults is usually a strong, minty flavor, but that can be overpowering for kids, which is why theirs often tastes like fruit or candy.

Toothpaste for Kids

All of the top recommended toothpastes for kids contain fluoride, and it’s safe when used in the correct amounts. That means a smear no bigger than a grain of rice for toddlers and a glob the size of a pea for kids aged 3-6. Parents should also supervise their kids and encourage them to spit instead of swallow.

We Can Help You Find the Right Toothpaste

With so many toothpaste options to choose from, what’s the best toothpaste for your child? The next time we see you, we’d be happy to make a recommendation. We look forward to your child’s next dental checkup at our practice!

Thank you for being part of our practice family!

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Happy TMJ Awareness Month!

OUR JAWS GET a pretty constant workout between all the talking, chewing, and yawning we do, but those simple activities become more complicated for those with temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD or TMJ). There’s a small, fibrous disk that serves as a cushion between the ball and socket of the joint. If it shifts out of place or erodes, that leads to jaw trouble.

TMJ Disorder Symptoms and Remedies

Typical symptoms of a TMJ problem include tenderness or pain in the jaw, difficulty chewing, pain around the face or in the ear, and even locking of the jaw joint.

There are a few things to try for TMJ relief. Avoid making extreme jaw movements when singing or yelling, and control yawns by putting a fist under the chin. Make small movements while chewing, and rest with the jaws slightly apart instead of fully closed (a lot of people don’t realize that this is the natural position of the jaws).

Treatment for More Serious Cases

Most TMD cases resolve on their own, but persistent symptoms may need treatment. Typical TMD treatments include ice packs, exercise, moist heat, medication, and splints. If those don’t help, then the next steps often include ultrasound treatment, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, or trigger-point injections. For the most extreme cases, jaw surgery may be recommended.

Bring Your TMD Symptoms to the Dentist

If the symptoms above are familiar to you, make sure to come and tell the dentist. If your regular cleaning appointment is months away, schedule one specifically to discuss TMD issues so that we can discover what’s causing the problem and recommend the best next steps to take.

You can beat TMD with the dentist’s help!

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Sugar Is the Main Cause of Childhood Cavities

2 OUT OF EVERY 5 KIDS have at least one cavity by the time they finish elementary school, and the main reason is sugar.

Bacteria Love Sugar As Much As We Do

Harmful bacteria living on the surfaces of our teeth love eating the leftover sugar after we enjoy a sweet treat or drink. Then they excrete acid onto our teeth as a waste product, increasing our risk of tooth decay. So what can parents do for their kids’ teeth? A big improvement parents can make is to swap out sugary snacks for options like cheese or sliced fruits and veggies, which are also much healthier overall.

This time of year, it can be hard to avoid sugar, but this hygienist has some tips:

Sugar Is Hiding in Your Child’s Favorite Drinks Too

When it comes to sugary drinks, juice and soda are full of sugar and highly acidic, and even milk contains sugars. These drinks are most dangerous to a child’s teeth when sipped over the course of hours, as this acts like a continuous acid bath, preventing their saliva from washing away residue and neutralizing the pH of their mouths. We urge parents to restrict access to drinks other than water except during meals.

Be an Example of Good Dental Hygiene

Finally, parents should model good dental hygiene habits and schedule regular dental visits for their kids. Limiting sugar intake can’t make up for a lack of daily brushing and flossing!

The Dentist Is a Great Resource

All the things parents can do at home to encourage great dental health are very important, but don’t forget that you’re not in this fight alone! The dentist can help. If you have concerns about your or your child’s teeth or gums, schedule an appointment. We can identify any problems and determine the best next steps to take. And regular preventative appointments are important too!

We’re rooting for our patients to stay cavity-free this Halloween!

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Don’t Take Dental Advice From TikTok!

UNLESS THE DENTIST is an active TikTok user, it’s not a good idea to get dental health advice from social media. We’ve noticed a lot of dangerous DIY ideas popping up so let’s take a minute to nip them in the bud.

1. “Healthy Soda”

No soda is truly healthy for teeth, as the bubbles in soda come from acid and teeth are highly vulnerable to acid erosion. Sparkling water and balsamic vinegar (the combo in the trend) do not make a healthier soda alternative because that’s just two acids mixed together!

2. “Veneers Check”

Some TikTok users are filing their own teeth down to pegs prior to crown restorations. PLEASE do not do this. It can lead to nerve damage or the need for root canals and can even lead to previously healthy teeth needing to be pulled. Teeth don’t even get filed down before veneers anyway!

3. Home Hydrogen Peroxide Whitening

Swishing 3% hydrogen peroxide is not a good way to whiten teeth. It can cause long-lasting sensitivity and gum irritation. Go to the dentist for whitening recommendations and good results!

4. DIY Braces

It takes orthodontists years of education and training to learn how to effectively move teeth into their correct positions; this is not something a random TikTok user can figure out with rubber bands and paper clips. DIY braces lead to bad results and sometimes tooth loss!

Trust the Professionals

Trusting random people on the internet over the actual experts is very dangerous and could have permanent consequences for your dental health.It takes dentists years of study and practice to become qualified to look after patients’ teeth. The people promoting these harmful trends are just making wild guesses.

When is your next dental checkup?

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The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.
Sealants Are a Protective Shield for Teeth

40% OF KIDS WILL have at least one cavity by the time they start school, usually due to poor oral hygiene and eating and drinking lots of sugary things. It’s critical to teach kids good oral health habits early on and to help them brush their teeth until they are able to do it themselves, but it can still be tricky for them to clean out the crevices in their molars. That’s where sealants come in.

How Do Sealants Work?

Dental sealants are a layer of clear plastic that we brush onto the chewing surfaces of teeth to keep cavity-causing plaque and bacteria out. Sealants reduce childhood tooth decay in the back teeth by as much as 80%, which is why they’ve been such a popular treatment since the 1960s. The application process is quick, painless, and easy and can be done within a regular appointment.

Who Can Get Sealants?

We recommend that kids get sealants as soon as their first adult molars erupt, which is usually around age 6. The earlier, the better, but sealants aren’t only for young children; older kids, teens, and adults can get them too!

Ask Us About Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a remarkable preventive tool that can safeguard your or your child’s oral health for years to come. By providing a protective barrier against cavities, especially in those hard-to-reach areas of your molars and premolars, they offer a simple yet effective way to maintain a healthy smile.

Let’s work together to keep those smiles cavity-free!

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What Myths Has Modern Dentistry Debunked?

FOR AS LONG AS there have been people, there has been tooth decay, but people in past civilizations didn’t have as many answers about what caused their tooth problems as we do now. That led to some very strange beliefs about dental health. One of the most common was the “tooth worm.”

Ancient Well-Intentioned Errors

As far back as 5000 B.C. in ancient Sumeria, people were blaming their cavities on tooth worms. They are mentioned in ancient Chinese scripts from 1500 B.C. too, and the Roman Empire and medieval Europeans also believed there were worms gnawing at their teeth.

How Did They Get it So Wrong?

Where did this idea come from? There are a few theories. Dental roots could maybe be described as worm-like, so people who didn’t know better might’ve assumed that was the case. They were also familiar with a variety of parasitic worms, including guinea worms in drinking water. They could’ve assumed something similar was affecting their teeth. They also used henbane seed treatments, and the ash of burned henbane seeds resembles worms.

What’s Really Causing cavities?

Although oral bacteria is something we must fight daily by brushing and flossing, tooth worms are, thankfully, a myth. The real culprit behind most cavities is sugar!

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The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.
Is There a Wrong Way to Breathe?

“MOUTH-BREATHER” HAS made the rounds as an insult in recent years, but breathing primarily through the mouth instead of the nose can actually have some pretty negative effects on health, including oral health. Mouth-breathing should only be done as an emergency backup, not the main way to breathe.

The Nose Is a Built-In Air Filter

The nose has a built-in filtration system and triggers nitric oxide production, helping our lungs absorb oxygen better. We don’t get any of that from mouth breathing. Short-term effects of mouth breathing include dry mouth, reduced oxygen levels, and impaired speech. Dry mouth is particularly dangerous for dental health, because saliva is the teeth and gums’ first line of defense against bacteria and acid. We also need saliva to taste our food!

Mouth-Breathing Can Change the Shape of the Face

Children who grow up breathing mainly through their mouths can actually develop differently, their faces becoming flatter, with weaker chins and droopy eyelids as they grow up. They are more likely to have complex orthodontic problems, with narrow arches and lots of crowding. Other long-term effects for habitual mouth-breathers include an increased likelihood of sleep apnea, which in turn comes with low energy, poor concentration, and a weaker immune system.

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The Rotten Teeth of Shakespeare’s Time

WE CAN SEE a hint of the state of dental health in Shakespeare’s England from a sonnet in which he describes his lady love’s reeking breath. The lines “black contagious breath” and “his breath stinks with eating toasted cheese” make it into two of the history plays. This was likely because dental health in England was in a sorry state during the Bard’s day.

The Sugar Trade Devastates English Dental Health

Cavities and missing teeth were common in Early Modern England, but it was much worse for the wealthy and even Queen Elizabeth herself, whose teeth were described as “very yellow and unequal” by a French ambassador and “her teeth black” by a German traveler, who correctly identified sugar as the culprit. That’s right: the sugar trade had reached England, and aristocratic teeth paid a heavy price for it. Surgeons, tooth-drawers, and blacksmiths had a lot of work to do pulling rotten teeth.

Cavities Only the Nobility Could Afford

Sugar was so expensive that only the wealthy could afford it. Some were even using sugar paste to brush their teeth! Many in the lower classes would actually rub charcoal on their teeth to make themselves appear richer. As for actual dental hygiene, people would use quills or wood for toothpicks and cloths to wipe off plaque. We’re definitely happier with modern floss and toothbrushes!

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Smile More to Boost Your Health!

YOU PROBABLY HEARD the line “it takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown” when you were growing up, but the pedantic dentist might point out that it technically isn’t true. At least ten muscles are involved in smiling, while as few as six are required for frowning. But that’s no reason to frown more; if you think about it, it just means that smiling burns more calories! Even better, there are many other benefits that come from a smiling face.

We Smile When We’re Happy…and Vice Versa?

We obviously smile when we feel happy, but evidence indicates that smiling and happiness are so closely linked that the simple act of smiling can cause happy feelings. Even if it’s a fake smile, it can still release endorphins (also known as the feel-good hormone) and make us feel better. It might be worth trying a smile the next time you’re having a rough day to see if it helps.

Smiling Can Reduce Pain and Stress

Thanks to that endorphin boost from smiling, we can get a lot of other benefits beyond improving our mood. In the moment, endorphins can help reduce pain and relieve stress. They function a lot like painkillers, except that they are free of side-effects!

In 2012, an experiment showed some interesting results with the simple act of smiling. Subjects were given a stressful task, and some were required to hold a pencil between their lips as they did the task (simulating a pouty expression) while others were required to hold it between their teeth (simulating smiling). The second group’s heart rates returned to normal more quickly, suggesting that smiling helps us manage stress.

The Effects Multiply Over Time

It’s lovely to get some short-term effects from endorphins, but those effects are cumulative over time. If we make a habit of smiling more, we can end up with long-term health benefits like being more resilient against illnesses and less likely to get cancer. The reason it reduces the risk of cancer is that when we are better at managing our stress, our cells undergo fewer stress-induced mutations throughout our lives.

Add to Your Lifespan Through Smiles

People will often perceive a smiling face as younger and more attractive, but that can go deeper than appearances. A lifetime of smiling may actually come with enough health benefits to be longer! But it can be difficult to smile when we aren’t confident in the way our teeth look. Having a smile we’re proud to show off requires us to be diligent with our dental hygiene routine, and it may mean orthodontic treatment or other dental work is necessary.

Come to the Dentist With Your Beautiful Smile!

You don’t have to fight alone for your smile’s health — the dentist is your biggest ally. Make sure to schedule regular cleanings and exams so that you can get that deep clean from the hygienist and so that the dentist has a chance to catch any problems when they are minor and easy to treat. Also bring your questions about your dental health!

Our patients always make us smile!

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The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.
Cavities Are Childhood’s Most Common Disease

BY THEIR ELEVENTH birthday, 2 in 5 kids will have at least one cavity, but parents can do a lot to keep their child’s teeth healthy. One major cavity culprit is sugary drinks, and that includes fruit juice. The worst way to drink it is by sipping it throughout the day, which can cause extensive tooth decay nicknamed “bottle rot.”

Sugar: Oral Bacteria’s Favorite Treat

Sugary treats are also a problem. So many snacks are loaded with sugar. Try to limit sugar consumption to mealtimes. We recommend trading sugary snacks for sliced fruits and veggies, especially if your child needs the energy boost from a snack in between meals.

Preventing Bottle Rot

It’s safe to use a bottle of water after the baby is six months old or a sippy cup of water for toddlers. (Another benefit to water aside from better oral health: no risk of stains or stickiness on clothing, carpet, or furniture!)

With infants, clean away the milk residue after every meal. As soon as baby teeth begin to appear, start brushing them with a soft toothbrush and only a tiny smear of toothpaste (as babies can’t rinse and spit). A good daily oral hygiene routine is paramount.

Make Regular Dental Visits

A child who is already showing signs of tooth decay should see the dentist. We can assess how advanced the decay is, deal with the cavities, and come up with a plan with you to prevent further problems. We can help protect their teeth with fluoride varnish and dental sealants.

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The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.